lunes, 8 de junio de 2020

categories Mejor alternativa a Itunes (WonderShare Tunes Go)

1) Primero instalemos el WonderShare

1) Ahora Crackeamos el WonderShare
(Importante desactivar el antivirus, todo crack vá a ser detectado como archivo malicioso, es normal...)

Descargar WonderShare Tunes Go + Crack 1 Link MEGA AQUÍ

domingo, 23 de junio de 2019

categories How to make a Minecraft Server on 2019

Autor : |
Minecraft has turned out to be a standout amongst the most-cherished and famous computer games on the planet, having sold millions of copies (over than 121m) worldwide.
Its insane popularity is that it goes past simply being a computer game. It also provides useful tools to learn coding skills and even an open platform which can be adjusted and extended by devs.
In this article, we walk you through step-by-step, how to make a Minecraft server so you can give it a shot for yourself.
how to make a minecraft server
To create a Minecraft server, you will need to follow these steps:
  1. Install the latest version of Java
  2. Select a location for your Minecraft server files
  3. Download the Minecraft server software and start it
  4. Allow for port forwarding on your router
  5. Start your Minecraft server!
Brief Disclaimer
While you don’t need to be a web developer or IT pro to set up your own Minecraft server, understand that it does require some effort and a certain level of understanding on topics like the command line and configuration of your system, network, and router.
So basically, you need to be somewhat comfortable with the network and computer concepts that are fundamental to launching a server.
If you're not - there's a way you can make a Minecraft server, too. There are plenty of great Minecraft hosting providers - such as MelonCube, which will help you set everything up with no coding experience. But we'll talk about that later.
For now, let's have a look at how can you make a Minecraft server - for free, from the comfort of your own home.

1. Install the latest version of Java

The first step is to get the latest version of Java installed on your machine. To check what version you currently have, open the Windows Control Panel. Search under programs to find Java and then click on where it says Update Now.
Now, you'll need to open your command prompt and type in java -version. You should be able to quickly identify the version number from there. Once you know what type of Java you have, check their website to see whether or not you have the latest version. If your version is, in fact, outdated or if it’s not installed, you can download it from their website.
For Mac users, newer versions of MacOS already come with Java, but you can check your version by going to your System Preferences and clicking on Java. The Java Control Panel should appear and it will display your version in the Update tab.

2. Select a location for your Minecraft server files

Before downloading their server software, select where on your PC or Mac you would like to run the server from.
When running your server for the first time, it will create some standard config files, so it’s good to have them organized in one place. This can be your Documents folder, desktop, or wherever you’d like.

3. Download the Minecraft server software and start it

You can download the software on their website. You’ll notice it comes with a .jar file, which is Java. Make sure it is saved in the folder from the previous step.
Once it’s downloaded, double click on the .jar file to start the server. At this point, you’ll see that several configuration files are created which need to be modified just a bit before your server is ready.
Acknowledge the End User License Agreement (EULA) and accept. It will be a eula.txt file. Open this file in any text editor tool and find where it says eula=false. You'll need to set this equal to true.
Make certain not to skip this small step, as you won't be able to begin your Minecraft server.
Minecraft server
If you see a “Can’t save server properties” error, try running your Minecraft server as an admin. You can do this by right-clicking the .jar file and choosing the “Run as administrator” option.
For Mac users, download the software from the same link. Open the TextEdit program and set the format to plain text before typing in the following:
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
exec java -Xms1G -Xmx1G -jar {server file name} nogui
*Replace "server file name" with the genuine server file name.
Next, you'll need to save this file as start.command in the same folder as your .jar file. Open up your terminal and allow permissions for this new start.command file so you can run it.
Type into your terminal: chmod a+x (with a space after it).
Grab this file, drop it into the terminal window, and press enter.

4. Allow for port forwarding on your router

If you only plan on hosting the server for players on your local network, you don’t need to worry about this step. If, on the other hand, you would like to make your server accessible by anyone in the world, you will need to enable port forwarding on your router.
Refer to your specific router’s documentation for precise instructions on how to configure port forwarding on your machine. For Minecraft, you will need to forward TCP port 25565.
It will also be necessary for you to enter your server’s local IP address as the Server IP or Output IP to enable port forwarding. You can find your server’s local IP by opening the command prompt or Mac terminal and typing in ipconfig

5. Start your server!

This is the final step! To start up your Minecraft server, open the command prompt or Mac terminal and cd into where the Minecraft server file was installed. You can then start the server by typing in:
java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar {server file name} nogui.
Again, be sure to put the actual server file name here.
If you want to use your server’s user interface (UI), just leave out the nogui part.
For Mac users, you can start your Minecraft server by double-clicking on the start.command file from the previous step. A terminal window should then open, and you might see some error messages at first which is normal.
For both Windows and Mac users, you can check the accessibility of your server by entering your public IP address into the Minecraft Server Status Checker.
And that's it!

Why Build a Server

In the event that you're new to the brilliant and creative universe of Minecraft, it's always easiest to just buy the game and jump in. You can go even further, however, by using Minecraft Realms to make your own Minecraft world, which is seen as a softer alternative to creating your own server.
But for those of you ready to embrace the full Minecraft experience, then getting your own server up and running is the way to go and will enable you to create virtually any world you want.
Installing any mods you want, playing by any rules you want, and controlling every aspect of gameplay is something that can only be reached by doing things yourself. This is why it is important to know how to make a Minecraft server!

Making your own server vs. buying Minecraft hosting

But of course,  as I mentioned previously, making a Minecraft server doesn't have to be so complicated. In the steps mentioned above, there are two main problems which may be putting some of you off from starting.
That's difficult technical process and the fact your server will be down whenever your computer is.
A difficult technical process is obvious - without having at least some knowledge in command lines and processes in the terminal, you may get lost very quickly. If all you want is play Minecraft with your friends, that's just too much!
Another issue is that whenever your computer is off, people won't be able to login to your server. After all, your computer and your router are what keeps this server going. So you have to keep then on 24/7 in order for things to work. That is simply not possible!
Eventually, your server will have to stop working.
how to make a minescraft server
This is why in many cases, Minecraft hosting is a great option. Instead of making everything on your computer, you can trust professionals with worldwide servers to keep your Minecraft project going.
Setting everything up will be much easier, you'll have a team of experts to help you, and the server will work even if your computer isn't on. And all of that is really inexpensive - for example, in VAHosting, plans start at just $1 a month.
best minecraft hosting vahosting


Well, by now, you should have your preferred idea of how you want to make your Minecraft server. You can do this right here, right now - by simply doing some work on your computer. But if that doesn't interest you, you may always use the help of Minecraft hosting. This way, you'll get an increased ease of use and accessibility, but have to pay a little bit.
At the end of the day, the choice is yours. Hope this guide on how to make Minecraft server has been helpful. What is your preferred way of making one? Let me know in the comments below.

sábado, 1 de junio de 2019

categories Como Escanear un Archivo con Antivirus Online (Fácil, paso a paso) 2019

Aveces necesitamos escanear un Archivo de manera efectiva, y que mejor que hacerlo con 15 Antivirus online/en  linea y de manera simultanea?

Además para nadie es un secreto que cada vez somos más gente los que no usamos antivirus instalados, ya que con el tiempo hemos aprendido a descargar desde sitios web seguros y confiables, o ya sea porque los antivirus suelen consumir muchos recursos de nuestros ordenadores.

Cualquiera que sea la razón o simplemente porque necesitas Escanear un archivo para compartirlo en algún foro, te traigo hoy un tutorial que te permitirá Escanear archivos fácil y podrás compartir por medio de un enlace los análisis que hagas.

Ficha Técnica:
Plataforma: Cualquier Explorador
Fecha de inauguración: 2004
Antivirus usados en el analisis:

Tutorial paso a paso:
* Seleccionar el Archivo a Multi-Analisis:

* Esperar a que el MultiAnalisis termine:

* Chechar el Multi Análisis Online:
(Puedes compartir el análisis con tus amigos)

Enlace directo Online/En linea:
Enlace: Jotti's Malware Scan (Enlinea)

categories Generador de Textos Cool Online/En linea (Con fondo transparente PNG) 2019

Quien de nosotros no han necesitado alguna vez hacer un texto cool para nuestros banners, o presentaciones power point? yo creo que a estas alturas de la vida, todos hemos necesita hacer un texto tipo photoshop!

Hoy les traigo una página que nos permitirá hacer un texto genial y lo podremos exportar en formato png y sin fondo, es decir, con fondo transparente, ustedes podrán usarlo en lo que les plazca.

Una idea que les puedo dar, seria usarlo para las miniaturas de youtube si es que no sabes usar photoshop o algún otro editor de imagen de estos que todo el mundo usa, está seria una excelente opción para hacer tus miniaturas de youtube.

Ficha Técnica:
Plataforma: Desde cualquier Explorador
Formato: .PNG con Fondo Transparente
Estilo: Photoshop!

Tutorial genera tu texto estilo photoshop:
* Seleccionar las palabras del texto/banner:

* Escogemos el Estilo de la Letra:

* Generamos el Banner y lo Guardamos:
(El banner se guarda con Fondo Transparente)

* Y Este sería el resultado final del banner:

Enlace en linea:
Abrir Enlace: (En linea)

categories Guardar un Grupo de Pestañas Muy Fácil (Con solo un click) 2019

¿Quien no ha necesitado alguna vez conservar un grupo de pestañas? ya fuera porque te quedaste a medias de una investigación, o porque sencillamente te gustaría volver a abrir un grupo de pestañas que para ti ¿son muy importantes? Pues con la sencilla extensión TabSaver podremos guardar un grupo entero de pestañas, para luego cuando nos plazca, poder abrirlas con tan solo 1 click!

Si quieres saber como se hace esto tan sencillo, sigue leyendo este fácil tutorial!

Ficha Técnica:
Peso total: 1 MB
Plataforma: Chrome y Vivaldi
Formato: Extensión

Tutorial paso a paso, Guardar Grupo de Pestañas Fácil a 1 click:
* Instalarémos la extensión TabSaver:
(El enlace oficial de la chrome store está al final del post)

* Confirmamos la instalación "Añadiendo" la Extensión a Chrome:

* Presenciamos el mensaje de proceso satisfactorio xD:

* ¡Le ponemos nombre al Grupo de pestañas y lo Guardamos!:

* Para abrir un Grupo de Pestañas Guardado "hacemos lo siguiente":

Enlace desde la Chrome Store:
Descargar: Extensión TabSaver Desde la Chrome Store (1 MB)
Recuerda: esta extensión funciona en Chrome y Vivaldi!
(Para instalar en vivaldi solo debes exportar las extensiones)

categories Cambia el formato de tus Vídeos En Linea / Online (Sin descargar nada) 2019

Autor : |
En ya les habíamos enseñado a como convertir los formatos de videos, pero en esta ocasión les traigo un tutorial mucho más practico que nos permitirá convertir videos de forma online/en linea, es decir sin necesidad de instalar programas.

Esta maravillosa aplicación en linea nos permite convertir los videos a gran variedad de formatos, inclusivo nos deja cambiar otras configuraciones más avanzadas, como la calidad de bits del video y la calidad de audio del mismo.

¡Es genial, vayamos al grano!

Ficha Técnica:
Plataforma: En linea/Online
Fecha de Inauguración: 2010

Tutorial paso a paso:
* Seleccionamos el video a convertir:

* Configurar el formato a convertir:

* Esperar el proceso de conversión:

* Salvar/Guardar el archivo:

Enlace/Link Online/Enlinea:
Abrir enlace en linea: Conversor de video.

categories Tutorial Gyazo el Mejor programa para compartir tus Capturas 2019

Gyazo a día de hoy se ha convertido en uno de los programas para hacer capturas más potentes y fáciles de usar de toda internet. Por esto es que hemos decidido en no pasar por alto esta magnifica aplicación.

A parte de tomar capturas muy rápido también nos da la opción de compartir instantáneamente las capturas que hagamos con él.

Por su puesto como todo lo que compartimos aquí en es completamente gratis.

Ficha Técnica:
Peso total: 9,45 MB
Plataforma: Windows, Mac y Android
Fecha de inauguración: 8 de Noviembre del 2019

* Ubicamos el archivo descargado en chrome:

* Instalamos el programa con los pasos Típicos, Siguiente, siguiente y Finalizar:

* Abrimos el icono de capturas o de gifs según lo que deseen hacer:

* Hacemos la captura el área que queramos:

* ¿Cómo obtenemos el link directo a la imagen?:
(Es decir con la extensión .jpg .png ó .gif)

Enlace oficial de descarga:
Descargar: Gyazo para Windows (9,45 MB)
Descargar: Gyazo para Mac (6 MB)
Descargar: Gyazo para Android (1,4 MB)